About me

How it all started

It all started with Myspace. Once Tom was kicked from my top friends' list (sorry Tom), I spent all of my 1.55 Mbit/s internet time to publicly (?!?) message friends and theme my profile. I really leveled up my game when Tumblr came around, so going though the HTML and CSS lesson in my computer science class in school was a breeze.

With no encouragement or role models for women in engineering, but with a great love for languages instead, I chose a career in linguistics and teaching first. I pulled a dream job at Memrise (a language learning app) as a content creator for German and got to work on great projects with talented people.

How it's going

Some of the mentioned very talented people were developers and with them, ideas turned into reality. I realised I wanted to do what they do, so I took online coding courses. Once I'd confirmed that all those lines of code made sense to me, I took a leap and enrolled in General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive course. And here I am now, a Junior Software Engineer looking to create amazing new things!

Other things I love (next to coding)

  • 🍜 Telling people that chicken pho deserves the same appreciation, if not more, as beef pho.
  • 🤾 Being one of the last people on the dodgeball court and catching a ball (or hitting an opponent).
  • 🏡 Property and Interior Design TV shows, as well as browsing through The Modern House.